The Bank of Botswana (Bank) promotes financial stability in the country through the regulation and supervision of banks and other financial institutions. To achieve this objective, the Bank is guided by the Bank of Botswana Act (Cap. 55:01), Banking Act (Cap. 46:04), Banking Regulations 1995, Bureaux de Change Regulations 2004 and relevant directives, policies and guidelines. 

In relation to the financial sector, the Bank seeks to foster market integrity, competition, fair business practices and a high standard of governance through consultation and open communication with market players.  To this end, the Bank has committed to upholding a high standard of professional conduct in line with international regulatory and accounting standards for effective banking supervision.

At an operational level, the Bank of Botswana:

  • sets transparent criteria, guidelines and other requirements for market entry as set out in the Licensing Policy;
  • establishes and  regularly updates prudential policies and standards; 
  • monitors solvency, liquidity, large exposures, insider loans, provisioning and risk-management strategies, as well as the adequacy of management and governance structures for the sound operation of banks;
  • establishes effective systems for off-site surveillance and on-site examination, including reporting, accounting, auditing and disclosure standards;
  • ensures timely supervisory action and compliance with the banking and other related laws governing the operations of banks in Botswana; and
  • monitors and investigates unlicensed, illegal deposit-taking activities and practices. 

For more information, contact Prudential Authority and Payments Oversight

Tel: (267) 3606354