The purchase of any supplies or the letting of any contracts for works or services is subject to the procurement regulations of the Bank. Quotations or tenders as appropriate will be invited, examined, evaluated and awarded in accordance with these Regulations either by Authorised Officers of the Bank or, where appropriate, by the Tender Committee, properly constituted as prescribed in the regulations. The guidelines ensure both that the Bank obtains value for money and that its procurement practices meet benchmark standards of fairness and transparency. The Bank also supports local providers of goods and services. 

For goods and services where the expected contract value exceeds the selective tender limits, or where a wide pool of suitable suppliers may not be available, a pre-qualification exercise will be done through a public invitation process.

Within the Bank, the Procurement Section of the Procurement and Property Management Division is primarily responsible for the procurement of goods and services to meet the requirements of the User Departments.

All the suppliers and service providers who want to register their companies should submit their company profiles to the Head of Property Management Division.

List of contracts currently out for tender or pre-qualification.