'To provide high quality and performance-driven services in the area of accounting, financial reporting, strategic planning and pensions within a sound and robust operational risk management environment.'
Effective November 1, 2013, the Accounting Department was merged with the Risk Management and Planning Division to form the Finance Department. The Department executes the functions relating to compliance with Part X of the Bank of Botswana Act (Cap 55:01) and Article VII of the Bank's Bye-laws. These entail, but are not limited to: undertaking financial administration in the areas of payments and receipts; administration of the payroll; maintenance of accounting records of the Bank; compiling, presenting and publishing the monthly and annual financial statements; provision of management information and budgetary control reports; trusteeship of the assets of the Bank; implementation of the Bank’s insurance strategy and collection of debts owed by former staff.
The Department leads and facilitates the Bank’s planning process with the view to ensure a coordinated development and implementation of the Bank’s strategic and operational plans, ensuring a risk focused approach. In this regard, it is responsible for the development and maintenance of framework, systems and strategies for effective medium term planning, risk governance and business disaster recovery. It also executes measures geared towards enhancing the Bank’s operational efficiency.
With effect from March 1, 2018, the Department also assumed responsibility to oversee pension matters for staff in the Bank. As part of its responsibilities under this function, the Department coordinates activities that ensure the pension fund operates effectively and meets performance, quality and customer service targets consistent with best practice and advices the Board of Trustees, accordingly.
In performing these functions, the Department is guided by international best practice.
The administration of the Department vests with the Chief Financial Officer.
Chief Financial Officer:
Mr D N Loeto
Deputy Chief Financial Officer:
Ms M Radibe
Personal Assistant:
Ms K Baloyi
Tel: (267) 3606352
Fax: (267) 3913890
E-mail: Baloyik@bob.bw