The Central Bank Union (CBU) was formed in 1980 and is affiliated to the Botswana Federation and Trade Unions (BFTU). Its membership is open to all eligible of the Bank of Botswana. There is a joining fee and monthly subscription from members.
The core reasons for the Union's existence include to:
- regulate relations among bank employees, and between employees and the Bank
- to carry out collective bargaining responsibilities on behalf of employees
- promote and develop the interest of its members in the industrial, cultural, educational and other activities undertaken by the Bank;
- provide necessary advice and assistance to its members; and
- assist the work of any other lawful association having amongst their objectives the promotion of the interest of labour and, in particular, with any other union with similar interests and objectives in a related sector or industry.
Status and Conduct of Business
The operations of the CBU are governed by its constitution. A legal document that includes the right to sue and be sued. The Union is duly recognised by the Management through the Memorandum of Agreement.
Membership and Rights of Members
The CBU is open to all eligible workers employed by Bank of Botswana, although no member under the age of 21 shall be a member of the Executive Committee or a trustee. Except as otherwise provided for, all members shall have equal rights in the CBU and shall be bound by the constitution. These include the rights of all members to vote on all matters concerning the CBU as laid down in the relevant legislation.